Suggestions for peaceful coexistence during the camp…

…as we are all co-creators!

Together we take care of the space

 Keeping our place in inspiring shapes.

Together we take care of ourselves

Let’s stay open to people and beings around us.


If you are not part of the team or didn’t arrange exception with the organizers, please don’t arrive at the retreat centre before Friday afternoon. We prefer to be altogether present at the camp from its beginning till the end. If it’s your first time at the camp, please make sure that you arrive for the very beginning to understand better how things work. 


Upon arrival, please visit the meditation hall for registration and billing. If you arrive later to the camp, additional registrations will be announced during the weekend usually after lunchtime, or look for anyone on the team, we will be happy to direct you to the registrars. It's easier than having them search the crowd for you.

Karma Yoga

When registering, each participant signs up for a specific form of participation in the running of the camp - helping in the kitchen, cleaning a part of the building, helping the children's team... Small karma yoga groups will be formed, that will have one common task throughout the camp and will share it at their discretion (we try to form teams so that everyone has a job to do ideally on each day).

Morning circle

You will decide which parts of “program” you will join, but if you want to be well informed, we recommend you to come every morning at 10 am to join morning circle in the white big tent. We announce all changes there and it is also time for discussions

Washing dishes

After each meal, we wash plates and spoons in the dishwasher. However, it does not wash everything in this quantity and is mainly used for "disinfection". Therefore, we kindly ask everyone to wash their own plates and cutlery in the prepared basins after the meal and then the designated Dharma yoga team puts them in the dishwasher. The cup, which everyone chooses and signs at the beginning of the camp, should be kept and washed separately throughout the camp.


The designated area for putting up your tents is bellow the sweat lodge.

Accommodation in the house

There are several rooms for sleeping in the house (reserved in advance), please keep the large meditation room (where registration takes place) for the purpose of the "program", i.e., do not stay there or leave your belongings there.


Park your cars only in designated parking spaces (our “parking angels” will help), do not leave your cars on the side of the road as we have to maintain space for farm machinery that passes by from time to time.

First aid

There is our doctor Jana available during the days and nights to any health issues, ready to stroke your wounds.


 All children are welcome at Dance Camp. However, please consider your child's participation as it is possible that your child may influence your participation in the camp program. The Children's Team provides the morning and part of the afternoon entertainment to give campers space for dancing. Children who do not participate in the children's program with team members are the responsibility of their parents. Parents are also fully responsible for ensuring that their children do not interfere with the camp program or the operation of Nesmen centre. The same rule applies when there is no special program for children by the children's team. Please be aware that especially younger children need you after 8 pm. Parents and children will find out all the necessary information about the programme straight away on Saturday morning during breakfast with the children's team.

Long drops

There are several outdoor toilets and we ask you to use them as a matter of priority due to the number of participants. You will connect with local nature in the much deeper way.

Night silence time

If you don’t want to sleep after the end of evening sessions, please stay in the big white tent and keep silence in all other areas. 

Taking care of the big white tent

This is the primary space intended for our sharing and ceremonies, so please respect it and keep it clean. Don’t keep any personal stuff along the walls, keep mats at one place by the entrance, help to lift up the walls in case of sunny days without wind, if the weather is windy, please help to close the tent properly. It is very important to keep it close in case of wind. If you are leaving and nobody else is inside, check twice that the lights are turned off and the entrance is closed properly. Thank You!


Let’s try to turn off our mobile phones, tablets, laptops… and use it only if it’s really necessary. In case you really need it, let’s use it aside from others. Especially with younger participants in mind, it's appreciated not to be visibly moving around with a mobile phone in hand in the open spaces in the middle of the campsite, there is plenty of privacy to be found in the grounds and nearby.

Technologies and children

We kindly ask and recommend the children not to use phones, watch movies or play games during the camp.  If you allow your children to use it, make sure they do it alone (e.g., in your tent) when other children are not watching…

Taking pictures and movies

We do not wish to see that five people are dancing and thirty others are taking pictures of the dance. We are not making a strict ban on using cameras (as it is in some other camps), but we are asking for temperance. A few people from the team will be taking care of documentation in a not disturbing way, all the pictures we will be shared later. Some participants don’t wish to be on any pictures, so please respect it. Make also sure not to post any pictures of others on your social media. 

Recording dances

We kindly ask you to not record dances during the sessions. It disturbs attention and focus of dancers, musicians and also dance teachers. And we are here mostly for concentration and presence. If you enjoyed some dance and wish to know more about it, go and ask the person, who led it. Dance leaders are usually willing to share, you will get much more information than from any kind of recording. There is much more to know then just movements and melody. It prevents making mistakes by teaching dances learned from YouTube movies and also it pushes us more to keep the quality of transmission. It is important to know about traditions, meanings, creators of dances… Each dance has its own story, energetic intention. Let’s learn carefully and sparingly. It is better to learn by dancing and embodying, than by sitting and making notes. If you wish to grow in leading dances, come for dance leaders training organized regularly in Nesmen with many teachers form abroad.

If you wish to lead dance or play music for dances

You are very welcome to join the lunch of musicians and dance teachers in the big white tent, where we will share what we can offer and then 

Smoking, alcohol and other

If you smoke, please use only smoking area underneath the linden tree next to the entrance to the farm house. We don’t want alcohol or any other drugs in camp. 

Dogs and others

Please, don’t bring any animals with you.


If you are not sure how things work and you don’t want to ask during the morning circle, contact anyone from the Team.

Talking space

The bench bellow the house is the space for talking. So, in case you are one of the people who doesn’t start the conversation easily, just sit there. It will be a sign for others, that you would like to talk. Surely you will not sit alone for long. Space is signed as “Who will sit here will have a company – talking space”.

Teens tent

Please note that only people between 14 and 24 years of age and their guide may enter this area. All others may enter by invitation only. Please respect it.

Stay dressed

Keep your shirt or t-shirt on during the dances, please. It is a request of the majority of the dancers.

Lost and founds

There will be a big box with the sign “Ztráty a nálezy” in the gate way. That’s the best place where you can put all you found. And if you are missing something, you know where to look.

Support of inner processes

We work as one big family as an open society. If you don’t know how to deal with your feelings or anything else, you can come to ZubinNur as our “spiritual support” and ask her for help or you can see the professional therapist, who can help you anytime you feel the need for support.

We recommend you to find every day some time for being in silence, to be just with yourself. It is not necessary to participate in each part of the program. Sometimes it is better to take a nap or just relax and watch others form distance. You can also use meditation tent, meant for silence, relaxation and… Meditation tent is next to the farm house under the driveway.

Ya Fattah – may all the options are open.