Zubin Nur

Zubin Nur

Spiritual support of the camp, Young Adults' Team

ZubinNur is a spiritual guide with the Sufi Ruhaniat International, a mentor in the Dances of Universal Peace, and offers training in becoming a Priest/ess within the Ruhaniat Sufi International. She has travelled around much of the world sharing the Message of Love, Harmony and Beauty and of Spiritual Liberty, (the Spiritual Heritage of Hazrat Inayat Khan and Hazrat Samuel L. Lewis.  When she found this Message she felt she had arrived home.

ZubinNur lives in The Netherlands and travels often to Germany and Czechia to inspire and uplift by sharing the work of this Path. He holds meetings both live and on-line. She is an artist with a concentration on ‘Heart’, and a musician who often receives new songs, melodies and practices. For ZubinNur the Sufi symbol as given by Hazrat Inayat Khan is one that uplifts and inspires: the winged heart with a star and cresent moon, ~ the wings of the heart can lift us up out of the ‘normal perspective’, the star is the gift of Light, the Soul given to each at birth, and the crescent moon represents our capacity to grow.

She feels the path to enlightenment is open to us all, it awaits our attention and regular practice and concentration.