Core organizational team, registrations
I got to know the dances of universal peace thanks to the Czech Dance Camp. The dances and the whole community around them drew me in immediately and gradually gave my life its direction. Through the dances, I began to discover my voice on many levels. Eventually, it was innerly inevitable for me to start learning the dances more and I entered training as a mentee under the guidence of wonderful Inka. A few years later, I also stepped onto the sufi path.
The dances amaze and fascinate me with their power and tenderness at the same time. I love how the group gradually tunes and forms an energy field. I really enjoy getting to know and transmitting the messages, the ideas of each dance. The dances have become my inner harbor and the dance community a wonderful family. Both figuratively and also literally.
I am grateful to have been able to explore and walk this path. And thanks to everyone who has supported and guided me along the way.
Aside from dancing, you can most often see me with a cone of henna, painting on people. Henna is my passion. In civilian life, I work as a teaching assistant at a second grade elementary school. The biggest support and challenge is the life in a big patchwork family, where a lot of passions and joys revolve. And I owe this to the fact that I started going to the Czech Dance Camp.