Tara and Maboud


Tara Andrea and Maboud Swierkosz

New Mexico, USA

Guest dance leaders for camp 2025

Tara Andrea and Maboud are still in love with the Dances of Universal Peace after finding them more than 40 years ago. They area grateful for the privilege of having been able to lead Dances in their home USA and internationally for decades.  They are mentors and spiritual guides. They have received guidance from the wasifas – the 99 names of God – in the form of melodies and movement through dreams, visions, nature, relationships, and…. at train stations! And there are now dozens of original wazifa dances – many of them already published in the DUP library – that can help us to FEEL the texture and presence of the divine names within our own being and our lives. They regularly lead hummingbird wasifa dance retreats near their home in Santa Fe, New Mexico, and an international Wasifa Zoom Program called The Living Wisdom of the Wasifas. Both are ministers in the Church of Eternal Life.

Maboud has been on the path of Self & Soul discovery for nearly 50 years. Maboud’s entire professional career as a psychotherapist has been enriched by his relationship with the Sufi, Buddhist and Dance pathways. He was guided onto the Sufi path of the heart through experiences with the Aramaic Jesus and Dances of Universal Peace by Saadi Neil Douglas-Klotz. Maboud was inspired to embrace and devote his life to the wasifa practices through the guidance of the Sufi Murshid Wali Ali Meyer. Now, he has learned to be open to hear and feel the music of the Beautiful Names of the One Love in all his life experiences. Maboud especially surrenders to the guidance of the wasifas through the Language of Creation. His spiritual attunement has a Creation-Centered focus in which these mysterious qualities of being, both human and divine, come alive in nature and in his everyday life. Nature photography is one of his ways of remembering and experiencing the Beautiful Names. He has created two photo books where the reflections of nature, especially the wonders of water, are mirrors for Soul & Self and their relationship to Great Spirit and the attributes of the living realities of Universal Peace.

Tara Andrea has embraced the embodiment of living in the flow of the Divine Feminine in her everyday life. She was chosen as a leader to bring the Dances to the German youth at their annual dance camps. Besides being a dance mentor and spiritual guide, she is a certified teacher in TEPP, The Embodied Present Process, developed by Philip Shepherd. Her spiritual practice of being embodied and grounded in the present moment has been woven into all aspects of her life and especially as a parent of two beings who are now successful adults. Tara Andrea also loves playing the guitar for creating the sacred space in the dance circle.  Her entrepreneurial careers include Organizational and Community Development Consultant, Building Biologist, and Hospice Caregiver.