Dear dancers, registration for Camp 2025 is now opened. We are looking forward to dancing with you again!
COSTS 2025
Adults (from 19 years): 350 €
Teenagers (13 – 19 years): 240 €
Children (from 3 to 13 years): 180 €
Children (up to 3 years): free
ACCOMMODATION – Own tent, dormitory (own sleeping bag+mat), or guest house. We kindly ask you to bring your own tent if possible. Accommodation in the building has limited capacity and is primarily for those who cannot sleep in tents for health and other reasons. We can also help you to find a tent to borrow, contact us. More details also about the food in the form bellow.
DISCOUNTS – Seniors, students, unemployed: …, family discount (three people and more): full price for all reduced by 1/5 to 1/3.
Apply for the discount by this form only, please. The price should not be the reason for you not to come. If you wish to attend but cannot pay the full price, we will find a way together.
The Application will be considered by the registration team. Wait for contact, and please be patient.
Participants aged 18 – 39, don’t hesitate to apply for support from The Next Gen Scholarship Fund. Czech Dance Camp is supported by this foundation!! And please don’t hesitate to contact us if you need any help with the application.
Please read also the Suggestions for peaceful coexistence at camp.