Ludmila Chrášťanská
"Camp grandma" IN MEMORIAM
We would like to dedicate this year’s camp in memoriam in honour of Ludmila Chrášt’anská, who left us this February, and whose indomitable enthusiasm and determination brought the Dances of Universal Peace to the Czech Republic more than 30 years ago and also brought the Nesměň Centre into living.
Ludmila founded the Center of Personal Development in Nesměň and she had been running it since 1994. She completed the facilitator training of holotropic breathwork led by prof. Grof in 1992 and she assisted him several times during workshops in Brazil, Italy and Switzerland. In 1992 she was the Czech coordinator of the International Transpersonal Conference in Prague.
She was a long-time teacher of Dances of Universal Peace, which she studied in Germany and Switzerland, among others by Neil Douglas-Klotz. She has started the dance circles in the Czech republic and was the first dance mentor. Most of the current czech danceleaders are her student.
She also went through the Star Gate experience – traditional self-knowledge techniques of native cultures of North and South America – led by lectors from these ethnic groups, and had training in sufisoulwork with Mariam Baker, who is also called “the midwife of souls.”She used to enjoy joining the various spiritual paths and felt inspired to lead rituals for teenagers and women. She had learned from Jyoti, from shamans in Brazil and Peru, and had an Indian teacher. Her vacation were mostly spent on vipassana or sufi retreats. In the last years she had been having rest a bit more, enjoying her “grandmother’s” roles and aging, and among all passing on to others what she had learned during her life.