Jana Jahanara Lidická
Core organizational team, translation, rainbow circle, webmaster
I am Jana and I’m using the Sufi/spiritual name Jahanara. At camp you can mostly hear my voice interpreting for our international guests. Then you can often see me in the middle of the circle with a guitar in my hand. Dances are magical way for me to overcome the life “curse”, when I was told from early childhood that I should better not get in touch with anything concerning music… My path is winding, but through the Dances I am discovering music and rhythm in my body and enjoying it very much. Plus, the Dances and the thoughts associated with them give me deep meaning and make me feel like I am “home” here.
In everyday life, you can find me most often running courses for school groups, where I lead program as a psychologist or train others who lead the activities. In my free time, I am out walking my dog, in the woods or mountains, in my tent or with campervan.